Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anonymity and Misunderstandings

Here is what Anonymous TX wrote to me:

After reading all the new posts...I got worried
that I had said something...but think I was hurt by the comment about you thinking my DH following me in the car was scary or creepy...
I meant it to be that he would try to drive in an diabetic alterted state and it would be scary for me not how you said it...or the way I took I stopped posting for a few days to think about what I say before I write.
Well, I read your latest post and thought I had said something offensive...but I checked other posts and saw the anonymous post suggesting that we all leave our DH instead of complaining and I really was offended...we stay
or I do because I do love him in some way...and in the beginning it was totally different...we were happy and in 40 years later and 27 years into diabetes.. it's different but as so many of you said...I won't leave for someone else to let him die...
and of course those wedding vows...I just am so thankful that I found a place where I can vent and be understood by 99% of everyone..and as for the post "why don't we leave" me that is someone who is NOT walking in our shoes...I need this site for daily sanity...I feel that some or you girls are worst off and some better than I but we are all in this boat and I have come to learn so much...especially that this disease has a heavy mental toll..not just a physical one...sure wish the DR's would see that side...that is the part that hurts so deeply...think I could stand the physical if only DH would appreciate a little more and show a little more kindness...know you all understand..and for that I thank GOD! Please keep posting...ignore those who are ignorant and continue to help those who understand the daily life with a DH....Thanks again for letting me vent....TX DW

and here is my response:
I am sorry if I said something that hurt your feelings or gave the impression that I was less than 100% supportive of you.
I can't speak for everyone -- but most of us wives do not judge each other
even when we are in different situations -- we understand....
we are looking for what you are looking for -- some kindness
a place to share -- to vent -- some sanity
we get judged every day and from just about everyone else
we don't want it here in this little corner of the cyberworld

we share ideas, we share feelings, we just share...
you are correct, I thought you were afraid of his following you in a creepy way
but the point of my other blog, was that even if he was in a bad/low insulin place
and got behind the wheel of a car -- I was so determined to make him responsible for his own actions that I would have hidden his keys and left anyway.
sometimes the only way to make these guys understand is shock therapy
(and not the Dr. Frankenstein version)
Not saying I was right - just that it was the moment in time for me!

One more comment on this issue that I feel I need to say. Some wives do leave their husbands. There are times when despite their love, and their caring, and everything that they have done to take care of that man they married so many years ago, they simply must go -- to protect themselves. That's ok too. There can be so many reasons for that -- We (at least me) don't judge that either. I have read some posts over the years where it sounds like the only alternative -- for all we know the husband was abusive before the diabetes which only made it worse, or the diabetes caused some brain damage that no one knows about and just can't be reversed. The wife simply has no alternative but to save herself -- and maybe her kids.

So, just to clarify -- NO JUDGEMENT! JUST SHARING!

if you ever, ever are hurt or confused -- let us know
its probably just because we didn't understand your words
its one of the challenges of black letters on white background
there is no nuance, no facial expression, no change in voice

clearly my words are often misunderstood
I like to think that I have a wry sense of humor
(whatever that means -- is that supposed to be rye?) ha ha
but it doesn't always come across

and yes, my first concern is always for my fellow wives
I kind of get defensive there - even though I have never met or spoken to a single one of you

and you, Anonymous TX, in particular - always identify which anonymous person you are.
I have missed your posts. I noticed.....
I believe that the Anonymous who sent that message to Lily is the same one who sent me and others a similar message. This person appears to be a mean coward OR is someone who truly does not understand our situation. Otherwise why use such harsh language?

After all of my words, please don't stop writing,
If I say something that hurts your feelings, or you don't understand,
PLEASE call me on it
it was probably just my rushing writing style

Take care everyone
lets keep the communication flowing
even if we misunderstand each other......

Tom's Wife


  1. I think we all look for understanding and kindness here! I know I do. If I ever misunderstand someone, please tell me. And those of you who do post anonymously, it really does help if you identify yourself in some way.

    By the way, I did think the question a little harsh with the "complaining wife" label, but also understand why someone "on the outside" might ask it.

    To all our readers and those who choose to comment: be kind. We certainly try to do that with each other.

    My motto: "Be kinder than necessary. We all have our own story to tell."

    Again Tom's Wife, thank you for putting it so well . . .


  2. Also, I have to agree: I would not judge anyone for deciding to leave. Coming as close as I have to leaving, I would understand that as well!

  3. Lilly, I don't know where to post this but I think you are the kindest person on the planet. much kinder than me. I am going to send this message to you also.

    Tom's Wife

  4. Wow! Guess we all got that straight...what great friends...although I use anonymous...I sign with TX so I hope everyone will know who is writing...I tried to use one of the other ways but guess blogging is not yet one of my accomplishments...but I will continue to try...I read something I would like to pass on..."We can chose to be better women because of what we have experienced or bitter women because of what life has given us"...I truly feel we will be better and there are times I have to try HARD to remember know when that bs drops below 50 or above 400...
    We just have to put one our "big girl panties" and march on...Would love to know where or what area of the world some of you are in...of course you know I'm in TX...where the heat is taking over everything...seems there are days when we don't leave the house...but guess I'm lucky to be able to do that...just can't wait till October. Again thanks for the all encouragement and experiences (good and bad) from the other side of this screen...they help more than you all will ever know...TX DW

  5. Tom's Wife,

    Tom's Wife,

    Message received, and thank you! You really are giving me way too much credit, but thank you all the same . . . makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING right. By the way, I think you're way "up there" in the kindness department as well.

    Hugs to you,


  6. TX DW:

    I live quite a bit further north than you do, in the U. S. Glad you have joined us, and thanks for the identifying signature. It really does help.

