Thursday, July 21, 2011

Responding to Comments from last post

It seemed like several questions revolved around the one that asked if my marriage got better -- will it ever be like it was when we first got married?

We will never have the marriage we had when we were younger, of course
And yes my marriage got better

but its not necessarily a direct path

you see, while he changed, so did I!
I have stopped enabling him and he has had to take care of himself

I remove myself from situations where he can hurt me -- verbally or otherwise -- if at all possible

I understand that we are not all in the same place
and I feel sorry for the wife who believes her DH will follow her if she left

that sounds creepy and scary

but I have a new sense of self confidence and just try not to accept "bad" behavior from him anymore

its not perfect but its better.

good luck.

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