Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Needles? Just Can't Do 'Em

NewToThis tells me: A needle is nothing. Really..... It's just a Thin, little piece of metal. Don't look. Just jab and press. If you're shaking try and remember something mean he said when he was in a nasty mood and give it to him - hard! I bet you will both feel better when it's over in my head I get that, but when I tried, it just didn't work In fact, the one time I did try, Tom flipped over and his arm swung out (to protect himself) and I ended up with a black eye that sounds bad, I know, but really, he was so out of it, he had no idea that he hit me this was a very long time ago, and I never tried to give him a shot again its a good thing that I don't have kids I don't know what I would do if I had to take them in for shots or --OMG-- have to give one to my own kid!! there are only so many things I'm willing to do that just isn't one of them and, really, that is so his job its bad enough I help him with the OJ if he is in such bad shape that he can't drink? well he needs the EMTs anyway and, by the way? last night I slept so well, I overslept this morning! was late for work, but that's not the end of the world either


  1. The glucagon scared the crap out of me too. The first time I put it in his thigh and he jumped a mile, and I didnt get it all in. Second episode I put it in his arm(per his suggestion after the first episode) and it went much better. I am scared to death of needles too but I have gotten over it with him at least since I have to do his pump and site fanged, finger sticks sometimes, and glucagon if needed.

  2. Ouch! I didn't know about the black eye experience. That alone would shy me away from giving someone/anyone a shot. I don't blame you for wanting to stay away them.

    When my oldest was two I had to take him for stitches in his forehead. I think it surprised the doctor that I stayed right there and used my hand to shield the view of the needle from the little guy. The doctor even asked me if I thought he should put a couple extra in just to make sure it closed up nicely.

    Now, If the kid kicked me in the eye for doing that I'm sure my opinion of needles would be different.

  3. I have had a needle phobia since I was a little girl. Hubby is well aware of that. He said he was so proud of me that I managed to stay with him so much of the time he was in the hospital.....but there were times when I did have to leave his room. He knows and understands and is sympathetic to my plight. Of all things - the spouse of a diabetic who has a needle phobia. Proof positive that God does have a sense of humor!!!

    At my age, I'm not going to get over this phobia I have. Another reason why watching dialysis was a real test of my stamina and still causes nightmares. So add me to the needle phobia club!
