Wednesday, April 14, 2010

do not read wikipedia!

here is something I know about Wikipedia
my 18-year old nephew thought it was very funny to go on Wikipedia
and change the information on one of the entries

it was a couple of years ago and I can't remember the details
but we were at a family dinner and my sister was bragging about the "funny" exploits of her "smart" son

but it wasn't funny
people rely on the information on that site
Its not right

DW, maybe you have never had to deal with the lows before
it really is exhausting
I remember the nights of watching and waiting for Tom to stop breathing
for him to not keep going lower
oh, wait, I still have those nights!

Tom keeps his glucose so close to the line that he still has those times
he does it on purpose though!

it sounds like your hubby hasn't figured out how to get his humulog in control
that happens - Tom has gone through times where he just can't things in line
but its his choice to try to keep it close to the line
he thinks he is in control
he thinks he can keep adding insulin and adding sugar back and forth until it balances out
he thinks he is in control
but I'm the one who has to fix things when he messes up
I'm the one who has to call the paramedics when I can't fix it for him
I'm the one who has to deal

at this moment in time, Tom is in control
but I know it is just a matter of time till that changes again
I have no concept of how many nights of sleep I lost for this

DW - hang in there - you will get through this
don't over think it
don't over research it
he will figure it out
he has to
its his life
and he doesn't want to lose it

he depends on you because he can!

toms wife

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Tom's wife:
    Wanted to offer a quick word of encouragement. Also wanted to send a link to a blog Tom himself might enjoy and you might like reading as well. Jim Huck speaks very clearly about the definition of good control based on safety, daily stability and minimum glycemic variability--not constant lows!--and he's changed his management style from one similar to your husband's to a low-insulin, low-risk strategy that keeps him much safer (and seems to make his wife a lot happier too!)

    Best of luck. You've got a hard road to walk. Thanks for writing and sharing your thoughts.
