Sunday, January 29, 2012


It is always moving when we read of others' stress when dealing with diabetes
We know we are not alone
we want to tell others they are not alone
we want to show support
In some cases it is heartbreaking...

In reading some of DW's posts this week, the topic of glucagons came up

Paula, who has been married to a diabetic for 40+ years writes:

My best friend at this stage of the game is the glucagon kit.  I keep two on hand at all times, carry one in my purse if we are out and about. ...

And, DW responds with her aversion to carrying one.

I think it is an interesting conversation
We don't have one in the house now -- although we have in the past
and have discussed getting it again

Personally, I tried once to give Tom a shot when he was very low
and almost got a black eye for my trouble
when he gets very low, he will swing out to protect himself
maybe one is only supposed to go to the glucogon when he is actually already passed out
but I tried it when he was incoherent, and going back and forth between passed out and raving mad
this was many years ago -- we were both MUCH younger
we have married 25 years now -- so -- much older and know each other better
but I don't like needles much either

Furthermore, if a stranger shows up (a paramedic or even a neighbor) Tom seems to realize -- even if he is in a near-coma -- that he needs to pay attention and let them administer to him
when its me, he doesn't want me near him
so a stranger doesn't get hit -- but I would

so, I am willing to have it in the house again -- but I would probably ask one of my neighbors to come oner and inject him -- if I were at a restaurant -- I would ask a stranger

if he is capable - I would try to pour some type of sugar drink into his mouth.
I would like to hear about other thoughts on this

I really don't like the idea of the glucagon and hope I don't need to learn to use it
I understand DW's perspective on if he is not going to take care of himself, why should she?

I would be very interested to understand more about when Paula needs to use it for her husband.

interesting issues......

1 comment:

  1. We have always had glucagon pens around, but I have never used one, although I know how. So far, have always been able to get sugar into hubby SOMEHOW, although there have been some close calls. I have always thought I would use it if he was out cold, and there was no way to rouse him.
