Sunday, June 9, 2013

in idle

so here it is June and someone asked me "how's it going?"
That's a difficult question to answer

I'm doing "OK"
I have lost my fire, my drive
I find myself in getting along mode

my business is getting by
I'm doing what I need to do -- nothing special
I'm having a very challenging time making decisions

the past week has been spent trying to make plans for a two-week vacation t the beach with my sister
she has always had trouble making decisions
but this time I've been right there with her
so many choices, nothing exactly right
its been exhausting

I think we found something
hopefully we can finalize it this week

how are my friends in DW land?


  1. I hope the time with your sister on the beach will recharge you.

    I had to get away the the world of being a DW. Although still married we no longer live together or even in the same state. He went too far too many times.

    Sometimes I think we should post the totally out of line things these guys do and all have a good laugh. It was so difficult to live with, however, looking back I can't believe I stayed with it as long as I did.

    He doesn't want to divorce. In my gut I feel it is his attempt to continue to control me. Duh! Right? Oh well, I'm sure that will be just one more thing on the countless list of things from our marriage which will fall on me to take care of.

    It is great to be away from him. I made the mistake of talking to him and I must have sounded too happy so he had to work on taking care of that. In the future I won't call and not take his least for a good month.

    He took so much away from me in the five years we were together. Now I'm just going to have to take it by day. I know there is life after a bad marriage and I'm looking forward to each and every moment!

  2. S,
    Wow. Mine didn't want to divorce, either . . . and yes, I think it is a form of control. I am going forward with those plans anyway, as I need the separation from the craziness. Tom's Wife, I do hope things are going better for you. (I read the post you made after this one.) May today be a better day.
    Hang in there (both of you),
