Thursday, May 19, 2011


I do not like dis-harmony
it feels like there is a great deal of cacaphony in my life right now
I am not a musician but I love music
harmony, soothing tunes, calming melodies, you know....
This is something I "inherited" from my dad
so, when there is discord in my life, I just want to hide

my work life is VERY stressful -- you probably guessed that
my family (meaning my sisters, parents, nieces/nephews, etc.) are raising issues
its too much
its nonsense
its unnecessary
there is no benefit

Tom is fine from a health standpoint right now
but he is being a jerk lately
and truly I think its related to his illness
his irritability and his glucose levels appear to be related -
he is so restrictive in his food and he keeps his glucose so low that he can't be happy

so I need to figure out to just find peace despite all this noise
let them be loud and disagreeable - I will just look for the quiet --
in a month I will get to have a weekend alone
I can look forward to that

I'll start counting the days


  1. Ah, something to look forward to . . . we all need that! May your dis-harmony improve, even if only for a little while. Take care, Tom's Wife, and remember to be good to yourself during this time.

  2. Cacaphony. What a great word.

    I'm sorry your family is acting out.

    Let the count down for your weekend begin!


  3. Dis-harmony seems to be the feeling of the month...seems May has been finding DH and me at odds in all ventures...sure wish something would change...I get tired of negative, negative, negative...everywhere...somewhere, someone has be happy...maybe it's me or DH or just the season...I will continue to look for better...hope things are better for some of you others...I also would love to have something to look forward to...TX DW

  4. Peace in the valley people got to be free...old song great message...we wives have a right to feel of worrying about our hubby's mismanagement of their diabetes.
    HUGS and LOVE...sing your song and feel the rock!
