Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't Feel Well

I'm fine - but not feeling great
I have an eye infection and my whole system is down
then today, when I was leaving work, there was a soda spill on the floor
I didn't see it and fell -- hard
nothing broken -- but I'm bruised and just feel like crap

fortunately Tom is "behaving" tonight
how is it that he seems to understand that this is one of those nights when I really could not take care of him no matter what

Tons of stupid family garbage over the weekend also
but I'm too tired to talk about it

just take my word for it
some people don't understand the definition of family
they are selfish and don't care if they hurt their parents
more on that another time

hope you are doing better than me tonight

Tom's Wife


  1. Hope you feel better! We have had lots of family crap going on too. It's part of what's been putting even more stress on us. Don't they understand we don't need it?!

  2. Here is a BIG HUG! I am having a good night so I can cheer you on. Take care of yourself...eye infection??? scary...I am glad your Tom is laying low and letting you have your down time...Good good. Relax...and let that family crap go for at least a little while. IT is not going away but you can check out emotionally for a while...LOVE YA

  3. I'm sorry you're not feeling well and are bruised and banged up too! I hope you will be able to take tomorrow off and rest.


  4. thank you, I am humbled by your support
    its been a miserable week at work
    and for me physically
    for once, Tom is taking care of himself
    funny how that works???

  5. I hope you are feeling better now, and that your eye and bruises are on the mend. Thank God you didn't break anything. I certainly can understand the family garbage, as I am still trying to make sense of what my SIL did. Know I never will. Glad Tom behaved himself for you for one night! :-)
