Monday, June 13, 2011

quick update

I am traveling for work so not much time to write
1) if a person doesn't like what I write, that person does not need to read my blog. don't write nasty comments, just don't read.
2) if my writing helps just one person then I am happy to keep writing - it has helped me - and it helps in part because there are others who share the life of living with a diabetic
3) a friend told me this past weekend about a tv show called "sister wives" -- I didn't know what it was -- so when we were calling ourselves that, I didn't know what it meant -- wow!!!! I don't think I want to use that moniker anymore. we have lots in common - but we really don't have the exact same husband -- yick!

back to my old comment?
sleep well tonight


  1. ignore the idiots who write you nasty things. I have for years now. They are truly blind and living in a bubble. I feel sorry for them when their bubble bursts. What you write helps me, so I can be that one person. It's just nice to know I'm not alone. Hugs! DW

  2. Why do people have to make mean, nasty comments on blogs? We get enough of that on bad days with our own hubbies; we don't need to be attacked online as well. Hope that all is going well with your job, and life in general.

  3. I can't believe people leave mean comments. Either way I am glad to see a new entry from you. I worry about all of my sisters in this community. I hope you have a blessed day.


  4. We may not all have the same husband as per the tv show, but many of them seem almost to be clones of the others. lol

  5. Amen...and not sure what you mean on some people don't like what you say but I agree..don't read it and for sure don't write ugly comments...we are here to help each other or that's what I need and want...I really enjoy every post because I feel a kinship with someone...and as for the sisters thing...I agree...never put the two together...I always say, "Lord, let me out of this one and I won't every do it again"...hope your travels were enjoyable and keep on writing...we just got the external monitor and waiting for it to charge and then we'll be working hours...or maybe days trying to install it into DH...oh Lord, give me patience...will advise later...
    Thanks again to my "friends with DH's"...TX DW
