Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Tom has a lot of machines
two cell phones, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and a pump
at any one point in time there is a lot of beeping going on
its difficult to know what they mean

the good news is that his CGM has a variety of sounds that mean different things
he knows what they mean
when I ask, he will answer precisely what is going on at that moment
but when I ask for a bigger explanation he tells me its his job, not mine to know all of this

on one hand, that's fine
but one particular type of beeping is very loud and persistent
I have finally understood that this is the sound indicating low blood sugar
but he won't let me help

"I just ate ..."
whatever it is for the moment
soda, m&m's, a piece of bread.....

on one hand I am frustrated that I can't be of more help
on the other if he won't let me in, after all these years, there just is only so much I can do.....

sigh,,, the life of a wife of a diabetic

1 comment:

  1. Well it finally happened...DW had a low, lost control of car, wrecked two others, totaled his...thank God no one else was hurt...DW has a fractured stirium and is in pain...can't do much...needs help dressing, heating pads, meds, and have to drive him to & from work
    7 am /4 pm...I'm just about to throw in the towel...need any help/suggestions from my DW sisters..& of course it made the front page of our small town paper...he will definitely loose his license and we just bought land to build our small dream home...I pray to God for patience and peace...TX DW
