Sunday, October 28, 2012

Random Thoughts

tonight, as we wait for the  "mega storm" on the east coast, we are "ready"
whatever that means
our house rarely loses power and has never flooded to date
we have lost trees in the past -- but don't think we have any more at risk
we lose cable/internet frequently -- but we will deal with that

Federal Government work is cancelled for tomorrow so Tom will be home
I can work from home
we shall see how it goes
since there is no "weather" yet, its difficult to figure out how the storm will impact us

my sister's 40 year high school reunion is next weekend
since I'm so close with her, I am going through this with her
and anticipating my own 40th in 2 years

 it is interesting to watch the process of re-uniting with people we knew when young
and then trying to decide if we want to be friends with them now

maybe some other people have already done this through facebook
or something else
but it caused me to do some surfing on facebook

I see some people who are "friends" today
it brings me back to the clicks of school
and feeling left out
I don't want to feel like that again
do I really want to put myself in the position of feeling outside again?

why would I do that?

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