Friday, October 19, 2012

Tough Week

Gosh, this is a tough fall season.
DW-TX just wrote to say that her younger brother just passed away
of course, DW has just lost her mom and her mother in law
one of my sister's friends passed away last Friday
and the father of one of my friends passed away Wednesday

My dad is not doing well
and my mom is not handling it well either (an entirely different post)

This is so difficult
my sisters and I are trying to have one of us go by our parents' house each day
but really that's only three of us -- the other two don't participate
its too difficult for them so they don't

this is grief fighting with coping fighting with anger fighting with helplessness

I'm so grateful to Tom who is doing a pretty good job with his own health
I've had to remind him a few times but he is being good about it

I will try to sleep tonight - not doing well at that lately
but will try again tonight

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