Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome Crazy Wife

We have another blogger who has joined our ranks and I would like to welcome her with open arms.

"Crazy Wife" is now one of our followers -- I encourage you to follow her also.

Personally I would like to offer as much support as I can
No, you are not crazy,
yes, you loved the man you married
often that is not the man you see in front of you
some days will be fabulous
other days will be horrible
there are no "rights" or "wrongs"
just days

If I have helped at all, I am glad, and that encourages me to go on
I started my blog in part due to the fact that there really is no public support for our position -- the organizations set up to help the diabetics refuse to recognize our plight -- they believe we are wrong to complain

take my word for this -- I have been down that path many times and it makes me very angry

When I found the blog Diabetic Wife, I felt like I had found the first person on the planet who understood me. If I could figure out how to expand this to a lot more people I would.

But as we know, it has to start one step at a time.

OK, off my soapbox, on with my day.

Take Care, "Crazy Wife", we are supporting you.

good luck.

Tom's Wife.


  1. Thanks for the welcome! You and DW have been inspiring to me. I am grateful that I have found you both. I realize that I am not alone and that I have support here. Thanks again for all that you write.

  2. I sure hope all is well - you haven't posted in forever.
