Friday, September 2, 2011

We are tennis balls

As I caught up on everyone's latest posts and thought back over my last couple of weeks, all I can think of is that our lives are like tennis balls.  Going back and forth across the net -- one minute high in the sky, the next smashing down on the hard surface.  

we are at the mercy of the guy holding the racket - he is sometimes in control and sometimes not.
sometimes he hits the ball in the "sweet spot" and everything goes well
other times he hits the ball on the edge of the racket and everything is off kilter 

Is he or is not really diabetic?
Are the meds working right or not?
He's been doing so well, ,what went wrong?
You know the story

We finally find a way to relax and enjoy a minute or two
and what happens? we come home to find the same old thing
but maybe worse!

I'm not sure its just that we are physically tired (although we are)
but the emotional/psychic tired part is worse
the weight on our shoulders gets so heavy
and there just is no one to truly take it away



  1. Very well stated...especially the last paragraph...three day weekend and start of football season...hope it's a good one...all the best to you bloggers...keep up the posting of needed information. TX DW

  2. I laughed as I read this, thinking first that this tennis ball has gone flat, then deciding it has been smacked so many times there's just nothing left! Excellent analogy!

  3. Tom's Wife,
    As usual, you put it so well! As my husband's "tennis ball," I feel I have been emotionally smacked around way too much, but I'm pretty sure we all feel that way. I'm feeling like I returned to the land of "crazy" after a 3-week hiatus. I am so tired of this.

  4. Great analogy! This particular tennis ball still has plenty of bounce left, most of it from irritation at not knowing how to play the game. And it really gets annoying when my partner doesn't abide by the few rules that I do understand. I often feel like "Alice in Diabetesland." So many things don't make sense and there are so many factors that I can't control - YIKES!!!
