Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Working All Night

Tom worked almost all night last night
and paid the price this morning

he was home but on conference calls literally all night
he came to bed at 2 am but was texting for 2 more hours
got a few hours of sleep
then his alarm got him up 2 hours later

you know what I going to say right?
well he woke up with a low blood sugar
I was up because it was my normal wake-up time

but I couldn't do my normal routine
he took the bathroom
so I went downstairs, made coffee and read the paper
(no shower, no brushing the teeth)
forced him to drink juice and eat a breakfast bar before getting in the car to drive to work
he also said he had to start another conference call from his car!

he (of course) was easy going about it
but I worry
rush hour and on the phone and maybe still low blood sugar
I would not let him leave until his sugar was at least 90!!!!

he texted me when he got to work
but it wrecked the start of my day
I ended up not showering or brushing my teeth until 5 pm!!!!!!!


Tonight all is well.
Tom acts like nothing happened,
I had a stressful day - he just focused on work
what is wrong with this picture???


  1. I really do think the spouses do all the worrying and have most of the stress! VERY unfair.

    Take care of yourself,


  2. I sort of relate to this... mine has just been going on for less time since we're newly weds - but we'll go through a low and I've been worried about it, but he just doesn't seem to care... and sometimes doesn't remember. It gets pretty frustrating because I feel like I'm the only one who takes it seriously... I'm glad to know my husband is not the only one that does this...

    He also has issues with letting his lows come on. He actually has a continuos glucose monitor and normally about 90 is when he needs to start eating something small, and I've told him this, and when it gets to that point I remind him of this, but nooo... he waits and it gets low.

    It doesn't help with the stress... that's all I can say.

  3. I also have to ask. How have you kept it up for 20 years and still seem sane and going? What would you recommend for a newly wed already feeling the same things you talk about?

  4. I agree. I am always the one stressed. He just deals with it so much better than I do, I suppose. He has also dealt with it for over 30 years, unlike me, so that is probably why.
