Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sisterhood is Great

thank you for your support
you guys understand in a way others don't
Even though I share with a few select friends
or even my sister
they don't live it like we do
you "get it"
some days -- he is so wonderful
we can go for months
and then he so completely blows it
that highway episode -- so totally scary
well, lets just say, that I haven't recovered yet
I'm trying, but I'm not there yet
but knowing that I have sisters who know what its like
well, it really helps
thank you
And, yes, my trials remain less than some, more than others
but all of us
we live day to day
one day -- he is terrific, in control
the next -- we just don't know

and we carry the burden

and with that
all I can do,
is hope that each one of us
can get a good night of sleep
because it is my belief that
with a good night of sleep
we can deal with anything

tom's wife


  1. Y-E-S!

    Time away is important too, I think...always on top of the stress of coping can get to a person...sooooo support and separation and sisterhood! WE ROCK!

  2. I know what you mean. People in real life just don't "get it". When I talk to one of my close friends they always think I am making an excuse. Which in turn makes me feel like the abused wife on TV. I know that's not me. I can only give my support and tell you, I understand. I'm here whenever you need to vent.

  3. Here is my prayer that a good sound night of sleep "finds" you tonight. I know how hard even that can be when we can't turn our minds off over all that is going on in our lives. Take care of yourself.

  4. I so understand the "not recovering yet." It has always been beyond me to understand how hubby can go on with life after an episode like that as if nothing has happened, and has no concept of why I am still angry and upset days later. A great part of my anger is that he never acknowledges that he did anything that was off the wall. It's so helpful to know that I'm not the only one who has this problem, yet I feel for you that you are going through it, too.

    Yes, sisterhood is great. Before I started reading yours and Diabetes Wife's blogs, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who went through these things. Thank you so much for letting me know this is not the case, and that I am not alone! Take care.
