Tuesday, April 5, 2011

His Driver's License

So, I received this question..... Hey...not sure who posted the five accident story...my question??? Didn't the state intervene i.e. taking his license??? We battled that 2 or so years ago and it was a small accident but had a PA say he should not drive...diabetics have to drive...anyway got his DR. to help out...but I live in fear every time he leaves the driveway...in fact two reactions today and I cooked all three meals...what the #?##... I'm not sure whether or not you are referring to my story but a long time ago, Tom had a bad accident while "in a low" he got onto a freeway entrance ramp going the wrong direction (still don't know how he did that!) he was going slowly so no one was injured but after the cars were all crashed he left the scene the cops thought he was drunk - it was 6:30 in the morning the state cops called me at home and told me there was an all points bulletin out for him (just like on tv!) and this was before cell phones we had no idea where he was until he called me from a gas station when the cops found him they weren't very nice to him the judge was not nice to either of us this is a long way to say to that we had to address the issue of whether or not he would be able to keep his drivers license and that was when he was only 40 years old The impact on our lives would be impossible how would he work if he can't drive we live and work in the suburbs he drives an hour each way to work if he couldn't drive how would he get to and from work! but if he can't drive (because he is low) he won't be around to work! its hard there are no magic answers except that I have to keep reminding him its his job, not mine he needs to do a better job And just because, this is funny -- we can all relate...another note... ...last week when I raced to the eye dr. when hubby was having a reaction...I grabbed up all the tubes of glocose tablets available...he took two or three and things were ok...anyway noticed that one tube..orange flavored had specks on them...wondered if they could be going bad... just mentioned it to hubby...he ever so kindly told me that tube of glocuse tablets I bought and tried to give him were actually fiber tablets...they look like glocose to me...anyway in my furvor to help I could have killed himmm...I swear it was an accident but plan to be more careful when making this purchase...just wanted to help someone laugh today...as my best friend told me that day... "I won"... take care, have a good night,


  1. Wow! Well, when my hubby had his "low accident" I was scared about his license too but luckily, no tickets and no taking s license. We just got him a sensor :)

  2. I have a lot to learn. How could a fiber tablet kill him?

    (Sorry for asking.) Is it just that they don't have enough of the fast acting glocuse (sugar) in them to help in an emergency?


  3. newtothis
    frankly I don't know what's in a fiber tablet
    I do know that when Tom is low, he needs lots of pure sugar
    I would guess - and its just a guess - that a fiber tablet would be slower acting
    but kill him? that sounds farther out there?
    its not you,,,,, its them.....

  4. Hi, Just stopped by to say thanks for your last comment on my blog. I guess I just got my first angry comment from a DH.

