Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lots of Advice

As I read some of our posts, I reflect
we (and I mean me) are so full of advice for others
but maybe its me I'm projecting
maybe its what I'm projecting I wish I could do

Truly I feel horrible for what others go through
in comparison, my situation is a piece of cake
and yet I feel challenged to deal with it
I have days when I want to walk away

Before the garage door fiasco, we had a nice weekend
since then -- all downhill
mr. Jerk-o has returned
I don't know how much of it is sugar-related and how much of it is just his personality
how do you tell
tonight was definitely low-sugar
Sunday nite was not
last night was just stupid pig-headedness

on tv, the wife gets to tell the husband to sleep on the couch
how come I can't even get him to sleep in the second bedroom?
I am the one who has to do that!
he can be such a jerk!
I don't care if it is because of low sugar
that shouldn't give him license to be mean and inconsiderate and nasty

but then, I'm telling you what you know.
why would he purposely get in the car, knowing he needs sugar
and then blame it on me, because "I asked for Chinese food?"


  1. These guys can be a handful. Mine asked if we (meaning I) could get a spare bed for his office. We have trouble sleeping in the same room. My watching t.v. disturbs him and his snoring disturbs me.

    After we talk about it I get a twin memory foam bed for his office and now he's upset because I bought him a bed? He asked me at least 5 times.

    It's just one more of those things that keep chipping away at my trusting what he tells me.


  2. What happened tonight when he got in the car?

  3. Ugh I hear ya. Well, you will know if it is caused by the low sugar if it comes on and you treat the low and then he is happy 15 minutes later :)
